An Idaho dairy was named in a human trafficking lawsuit and the manager declined to comment last week, because he hadn’t yet seen the legal paperwork.  An Associated Press report says six Mexican veterinarians filed the lawsuit against Funk Dairy in Boise Federal District Court.  The six say they were recruited to work as animal scientists but were forced to work as general farm labor for about a year.


Dairy Manager Curtis Giles said, “We care about our employees and make sure they’re taken care of in all aspects of their employment.”


Giles is a defendant, along with dairy owner David Funk and immigration attorney Jeremy Pittard.  The lawsuit said the veterinarians were forced to work as laborers despite holding professional worker visas, were given substandard housing, and lower pay than promised.  They were also threatened with deportation if they didn’t do their jobs well.  Pittard wouldn’t comment on the working conditions at the dairy but did say the operation has a good reputation in the area.



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