High Pressure Over Plains Helping National Winter Wheat
Last week, we told you how a high pressure dome over the southern and central Plains contributed to the flooding at Yellowstone National Park. That dome of high pressure is having another impact on the farming community.
"It does help winter wheat with the dry down, with the maturation period and also for harvest activities," said USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey. So with recent rainfall ending in the region.
"That has opened a window for rapid maturation of winter wheat and harvesting. Passing the halfway mark in Texas already and getting underway as far north as states like Kansas and Missouri."
However, extreme drought has already damaged this year's winter wheat crop.
"You've got to crop it's already maturing fairly quickly, with lowered yield expectations. But at the same time, what is there to harvest, it should be a relatively quick and easy harvest amid these hot, dry conditions."
The extreme heat, meanwhile, could also impact southern corn crops in their silking or maturation stage.
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