Many in the agriculture community say the current use-restricted herbicide rules in Washington are outdated, redundant and need to be replaced.  In an effort to bring the rules into the 21st century, the Washington State Department of Agriculture is looking at consolidating many of the rules.  In response, the WSDA is taking comment on proposed changes, before public hearings are held later this year.


Comments will be acted through Monday October 15th.


Drew Lyon with WSU’s Small Grains said several of the changes may be well intended, but could have unintended consequences impacting growers across Eastern Washington.


“If you’re trying to apply a herbicide that’s not translocated, so that you need good contact.  Spraying a very coarse or larger droplets is not going to do a very good job of that.  So, I think people need to be aware that from a drift standpoint that’s an excellent idea, but depending upon what you’re applying you may not want to go out and apply those products.”


For a breakdown of some of the proposed changes, or to make a comment, visit WSU's Small Grains Website.



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