After a hot, dry summer, the fall weather has been very beneficial to Northwest producers.  Dennis Hull with the National Weather Service said several bands of showers, and even some snow, have left the area with some of the best moisture numbers since early summer.


“The USDA is reporting adequate soil moisture for over half the acreage in Washington and Oregon.  This is actually the first time for that since early July.  We did have fairly light rain fall on 4-5 of the last seven days and that tallied to ¼” to 2/3.”


Hull said we’ll see additional rain Wednesday, Thursday and perhaps early Friday.  But he said we should dry out over the weekend.


“With soil temperatures in the lower and mid-40s, pasture regrowth and the development of winter wheat and canola should keep right on going.”


Hull added there is no concern about deep freezes at this point, so wheat growers should not be worried.





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