Despite Spring Weather NWFCS Expecting Profitable Year For Local Row Crops
As we start our five-part series, taking a look at Northwest Farm Credit Services Quarterly Snapshot, we kick things off with row crops. Bill Perry, EVP of Lending and Insurance with NWFCS, says they’re forecast calls for moderate profitability for onion producers.
“Yields in Washington and Idaho’s Treasure Valley are expected to be down as much as 30% due to the late planting this spring. Growing conditions in Washington were favorable producing a high quality crop that will likely store well. Treasure Valley early onions have some quality concerns, but later harvested onions appear to be good quality.”
Perry said when looking at potatoes, their 12-month outlook is profitable for contracted potatoes and moderately profitable for uncontracted potatoes.
“Harvest has started on the Columbia Basin and in Idaho with early indications of a smaller crop, than 2018. Producers with early market large sized potatoes will be able to take advantage of higher returns.”
Join us Thursday as we continue our look at the 2019 Snapshot of local crops when we turn out attention to the tree fruit industry.
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