Despite Challenging Start Things Looking Up For Northwest Hay Growers
After a slow start in many pockets across the Northwest, the 2020 hay season has picked up considerable steam. Andrew Eddie, Vice President of the Washington state Hay Growers Association, said cooler temperatures and rainy conditions this spring made for a challenging first cut for several operations, whether grass, Timothy or alfalfa. But he noted, the last couple of weeks, things have turned around.
“The weather has been great there’s been little to moderate dew, or little to no dew at night and it’s made for some pretty looking hay. So, that’s at least a bonus, a bit of a rebound from what it was before.”
Eddie noted that demand for Northwest hay is there, saying first cuttings moved well, while second cutting demand has been a little more hit and miss. Eddie added prices are looking better, but added growers will need to wait and see how the pandemic will impact the overall global economy.
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