The Dairy Farmers of Washington are launching a new series of in January designed to highlight young people who grew up on Washington dairy farms and still work in, or are going to school for agriculture.


Communications Coordinator Aleah Bright said every farmer has a story, and they want to reach out to younger people to show them that there are people their age in agriculture.


“There’s so many amazing kids and they’re so capable and hard-working and it’s really easy honestly to find people in our state that have a great story to tell.”


The series will come out every other month or so and feature millennials like one Stanford graduate who is working for a ag consulting firm in New Zealand.


Bright said there were great stories across all walks of life in the dairy industry, but they wanted to focus on younger people because they’re critical.


“This generation is particularly important to feature because they’re the next of farmers. They’re going to be the people feeding the world and it’s really encouraging and inspiring to talk to these young people who are so passionate about what they do. There’s really a sense of hope in that and seeing that there’s a great future and that dairy farming is going to be in great hands.”


The Dairy Grown series will be posted on the Dairy Farmers of Washington website, and will be linked to off their Facebook page. If you know of a young person that can be featured, contact the Dairy Farmers of Washington.


If you have a story idea for the Washington Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail

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