The wild winter has forced a lot of families to deal with challenges in terms of transportation, closures, and more but one group has had to keep pushing through it.


“As dairymen and all the workers on the dairy we’re putting everything into it that we got to make sure that we take care of these girls. You can close schools, you can close businesses and things like that, you can’t close a dairy down.”


That’s Jason Sheehan, a dairy farmer in the Sunnyside area, who said it’s all about the cows and making sure they are getting the care they need.


So whether it’s extra bedding, food, medical care, the cows are attended to every day even in heavy snow.


Sheehan said the cows actually have it pretty good and handle the weather pretty well.


“I think more of it’s the mental side of things for the people and just how much longer it takes to get the work done when you’re dealing with the cold temperatures.”


Sheehan said the inclement weather takes producers back to the basics and working with all available staff to get what is needed done.


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