The Animal Agriculture Alliance will be celebrating their 30th Anniversary this year at their annual summit in May.


President and CEO Kay Johnson-Smith said they want to help the industry and showcase the good work they do.


“The cattle industry as well as the pork and poultry industries really need to work together and that’s why the summit is so important. That’s why the Animal Ag Alliance is here to bring everybody to the table to work together and support each other.”


The Alliance is helping tell the story of animal producers, but also working on new and innovative ideas that can make operations more environmentally friendly and efficient.


Johnson-Smith said the theme for their summit this year is “Connect to Protect: Action Please.”


“To connect across to other segments of the industry because we’re all in this together. The animal rights and anti-modern ag activists organizations target all sectors of animal agriculture not just one.”


For more information on the organization visit

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