AMS is among the Department of Agriculture's mission areas, expanding its use of data visualization to aggregate and present data.  Levi Geyer of AMS said its livestock auction market news recently received the dashboard treatment.


“The issue with our traditional data display is just the sheer volume of reports in which we've released what the dashboard does is it takes all this information from these static reports that's housed in our database and it pulls it into one single interactive tool.”


AMS international Marketing Specialist Bucky Gwartney explains how tech is improving grading service for meats and expanding market access to smaller sized beef processors.


“The remote grading program is designed to utilize existing technology to facilitate assigning a USDA grade to beef carcass's remote," Gwartney pointed out.  "This approach reduces expenses for the program, which allows those plants not currently utilizing the service potentially create better marketing opportunities for their products."


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