Legislation introduced in the House and Senate would repeal the death tax, a priority for Farm Bureau members. AFBF Senior Director of Congressional Relations Pat Wolff said this a critical time for passing the legislation before Congress starts on comprehensive tax reform in April.


“And it’s important that it’s happening because Congress is about to write comprehensive tax reform, the legislation say repeal estate taxes and we want that to be in the tax reform package.”


Wolff noted that while the estate tax exemption level of $5 million is beneficial, it does not help all producers.


“Farmers and ranchers are worried about growing and going over that level, so we need to get rid of the tax once and for all, we don’t need it hanging over people’s heads, we don’t need farmers needing to pay their attorneys to write them estate tax plans just in case.”


Wolff says farmers and ranchers need to make their voice heard and tell Congress to repeal the death tax.



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