The Association of Equipment Manufacturers recently announced a partnership with SkillsUSA to lessen the manufacturing skills gap.  The partnership seeks to engage member companies with their communities and school children to develop opportunities in the skilled trades of equipment manufacturing.


Julie Davis, AEM director of workforce development, said the partnership allows participants to "secure a bright future for the industry."  The Student Research Foundation says 64% of students enrolled in technical education after high school say their own interests and experiences have the strongest impact on what career path they choose.  The partnership asks member companies to engage with students and show them what interests they may have in skilled labor trades, specific to equipment manufacturing and repair.


SkillsUSA provides educational programs, events and competitions that support career and technical learning in classrooms across the nation. More than 345,000 students and advisors join SkillsUSA each year, and there are more than 19,000 local chapters across the nation introducing their members to skilled trades.


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