The Washington State Farm Bureau will be hosting a video bootcamp for producers in Wenatchee March 15th.


Andy Barth will be hosting the workshop and said there’s no one better to tell the story of ag than producers.


“Consumers are further and further removed from the farm. They’re getting to the point where they don’t really trust where their food is coming from and there’s a lot of misconceptions out there. The main solution we’ve figured out is the farmer themselves. Creating more transparency, having that connection to the consumer directly from the farm.”


Barth noted that they are going to cover basics in terms of how to shoot and edit, but also discuss how to make interesting videos that are attractive to watch.


These videos, which are used to a limited extent in agriculture, are essentially free marketing for the industry and for that specific farm according to Barth.


“If the consumers trust and believe in their product that’s going to create a better atmosphere for them both from an economic scale and a safety scale and in terms of longevity of being able to farm.”


There is limited space for the workshop, so early registration is strongly recommended. To register, go to the event page.


If you have a story idea for the Washington Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail

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