If the Snake River dams are breached, how will all of the cargo going out of the region, and all of the inputs to the area, be transported?  The Washington State Department of Transportation is conducting a study of road and rail transportation impacts and needs if the lower Snake River dams were removed and barges could no longer be used.  Those interested in learning more about the study can visit an On-line Open House, which is available now through Friday December 6th.  The on-line open house is available in both English and Spanish.  Visitors will have an opportunity to submit comments and questions to the project team.


The first of four phases of the Lower Snake River Dam Transportation Study began in April of this year.  During this first phase of the study, WSDOT is gathering and analyzing information about the movement of goods on barges, trucks, and trains.'


If you have a story idea for the PNW Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail glenn.vaagen@townsquaremedia.com 


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