snake river

WSDOT Looking At Dam Removal Impact
WSDOT Looking At Dam Removal Impact
WSDOT Looking At Dam Removal Impact
If the Snake River dams are breached, how will all of the cargo going out of the region, and all of the inputs to the area, be transported?  The Washington State Department of Transportation is conducting a study of road and rail transportation impacts and needs if the lower Snake River dams were removed and barges could no longer be used.  Those i...
ISDA To Start Quagga Treatment On Tuesday
ISDA To Start Quagga Treatment On Tuesday
ISDA To Start Quagga Treatment On Tuesday
The Idaho State Department of Agriculture will start targeted quagga mussel treatment this week, in an effort to eradicate the small population of the invasive species in the Snake River near Twin Falls.  On Tuesday, ISDA and contractors will launch a 10-day comprehensive treatment from downriver of Hansen Bridge to Centennial Waterfront Park.  The tre...
CSRIA Issues Memo Address Dam Breaching
CSRIA Issues Memo Address Dam Breaching
CSRIA Issues Memo Address Dam Breaching
The Columbia-Snake River Irrigators Association is running an attached full-page "open memo" ad in several regional papers and magazines to address three key areas.  The CSRIA’s Darryll Olsen said the first item deals with the Lower Snake River biological opinion litigation that is ongoing.   “And t...
EPA Orders Corp To Make Changes At Northwest Dams
EPA Orders Corp To Make Changes At Northwest Dams
EPA Orders Corp To Make Changes At Northwest Dams
Last month, the EPA ordered the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to stop oil and other toxic chemical discharges into the Columbia River.  The announcement put the issue of river spills back to the front burner.  The group Columbia Riverkeeper sued the Corps last year, and says these pollutants harm fish and other wildlife in the Columbia and Snake Rivers.  Miles Johnson, Co...
BPA: Thousands Of Salmon Steelhead Saved By Fishing Program
BPA: Thousands Of Salmon Steelhead Saved By Fishing Program
BPA: Thousands Of Salmon Steelhead Saved By Fishing Program
According to the Bonneville Power Administration, in 2022, anglers caught and removed more than 140,000 northern pikeminnow from the Columbia and Snake rivers, saving the lives of hundreds of thousands of young salmon and steelhead.  BPA said this week nearly 1,200 people registered to be part of the Northern Pikeminnow Sport Reward Program which ran from May 1st through September 30th.  When th..

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