The Washington State Department of Agriculture is very interested in what’s trucked in to the Evergreen state.  Not just commodities and loads, but also insects.  The WSDA is ramping up efforts to check big rigs coming into the state for insects in the grill, or on the windshield.  WSDA’s Randy Taylor says while dead insects in the grill may not be extremely exciting, it can tell a fascinating story.


“The real risk is what kind of viable insects maybe either attached to or included inside the cargo of these commercial vehicles.  So, we don’t care so much about a dead bug on a gill except for the fact that it gives us some evidence upon which we can further investigate.”


Taylor says these insects, specifically the gypsy month and Japanese beetle, can have a detrimental impact on the Washington Ag economy.


“We have a real interest in keeping these out.  If they were to become established here in Washington state, it would possibly result in quarantine and trade restrictions.”


Taylor noted it’s not just a WSDA projects, the USDA is involved to track the movement of a variety of insects.



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