Starting Thursday, the Washington State Department of Agriculture will accept applications for the 2025 Specialty Crop Block Grant.  Grant awards will range from $25,000 to $250,000 per project and projects may last for up to three years.  WSDA’s Amber Betts said the application process is open to non-profit and for-profit organizations; local, state, federal, and Tribal government entities; and public and private colleges and universities.


“Some examples of an acceptable project or an eligible project would be, let's say if a nonprofit request fund to show the viability of organic fruit production, and they partner with a university extension to promote the working knowledge to other regional growers,” Betts noted.

Specialty crops include fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture, and nursery crops (including floriculture). Also eligible are specialty crop plants which are cultivated for food, medicinal purposes, or beautification.   Processed specialty crops should consist of more than 50% of the specialty crop by weight, to be eligible.


Betts said Thursday is the first step in the application process.


“This grant is conducted in a two phase competitive solicitation process so right now we're accepting the concept proposal and those are due October 15th at noon Pacific Time."


For any questions regarding the state’s Specialty Crop Block Grant Program’s requirements or eligibility, visit email The Specialty Crop Block Grant Team or call (360) 485-1255.


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