It’s a familiar message across the region and across the country.  Resistant weeds continue to move across farm country, threatening yields as well as profits.  Brittany Pearson, sales Agronomist with Wilbur-Ellis, says as producers prepare for the upcoming growing season, they need to take proactive measures to keep challenging weeds from taking hold this spring.  She noted despite how previous generations worked to keep their fields clean, 21st century producers can’t rely on just one method.


“These weeds are eventually developing resistant genotypes we can't avoid that that's going to happen no matter what so having different methods of control can help keep our chemical control as effective as possible preserving that effectiveness of a herbicide control option keeps it in our toolbox so stacking those control methods is going to help us have the most effective role or removal of weeds.”


Pearson added whether growers use tillage, or no-till methods, it's important to control weeds starting now.  She added the two greatest tool in the tool box are education and communication with area Wilbur-Ellis experts.


“Helping keep them informed and making sure they understand what herbicide resistance looks like, what the weed cycle looks like, and staying ahead of the game.  And just communicating with them and that's our main and first tool when it comes to herbicide resistance is being there with our grower making sure they're informed and knowledgeable.”


Pearson added weeds take so much from your soil in the form of water and nutrients, that they can’t be ignored or overlooked.



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