Weed Control, Grazing Rotation Key To Pasture Maintenance
For many stretches across the Pacific Northwest, the past couple of years have been hot and dry. And while those conditions have taken a toll on pasture lands across the region, Jeff Clark, Pasture Market Development Specialist with Corteva Agriscience, said proper planning will help ensure those pastures are ready for the heart upcoming season.
“Those pastures that we are really heavily focusing in on grazing or that are our hay pastures check that soil fertility. Soil fertility probably been depleted, so let's not neglect that, because we might need to put out a lot of P&K, redevelop some roots for our grasses that are there. Second would be, don't over graze those pastures. Even when we start to see maybe a little bit of moisture come in and grass start taking off, because it doesn't take much moisture for that to happen, don't immediately run out there and throw everything out that you've got.”
Clark noted producers may need to do a little more intense rotational grazing, leaving enough space for forge to develop and grow strong as moisture continues to fall.
He added Corteva Agriscience has a variety of products to help get that needed nutrients to your pasture. High Noon, he pointed out, is a residual herbicide that can help producers manage their weeds, when and where they are the greatest problem.
“Is that in the springtime, or is that in the summer time? It's a residual herbicide so use it wisely, it has a low application rate 12-20 oz. per acre, but you've got that residual aminopyralid in there as well so you're going to get 40-45 days of residual activity under good conditions. Now if we have another drought, that's going to be cut back some because it breaks down from sunlight. But if we have some moisture in there you can get that 40-45 day residual activity which is going to help you with those weeds that are starting to come on and give that grass an opportunity to continue to grow. If you manage that grazing.”
For those regions that have been extremely dry for the past couple of years, such as the Klamath Basin and Central Oregon, Clark said don’t be anxious, but be proactive and contact your local range specialist.
Click Here for a list of products Corteva Agriscience has to help with build-up and maintain your pasture.
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