When you heads outdoors this time of year, you need to watch for nasty little hitchhikers.  Dr. Amanda Bachmann said ticks are very active in the spring.


“The newly hatched ticks are hungry.  The adult ticks are hungry, and if you are out there in tall grassy areas or the woods or whatever those ticks are looking for somebody to feed on and they are going to find you, so it is important to be prepared.”


Dr. Bachmann says ticks may carry diseases, so when you get in, take a shower, run your clothes through the washer and dryer, and check your self thoroughly for ticks.


“If you do find a tick on you, don’t squeeze it, carefully remove it, with tweezers.  IF you get a tick bite keep and eye on your health in the next couple of weeks, if you start to experience flue like symptoms or something things are just a little bit off make sure to see a medical professional, and make sure to mention that you were in tick territory so they can maybe check for some of those things.”



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