Lawmakers in Olympia continue to look at ways to save the Livestock ID program, which is currently running in the red.  Over the past couple of years, the Livestock ID program has lost roughly $500,000 a year, and may be closed by the Washington state Department of Agriculture.  Several propels have been offered in Olympia to tweak the program so at the very least it breaks even.


State senator Judy Warnick owns cattle outside of Moses Lake said it’s important that the Brand Program is saved.


“I don’t care who gets it, I just want to save the cattle identification, or livestock ID, because it includes horses as well.  I just want to be able to save that program through the Department of Ag.”


Warnick says legislation to save the Brand Program is currently working its way through the Senate.


She notes if it clears the Senate, Warnick is confident the legislation will get support in the House.



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