USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service is accepting applications from U.S. exporters for a regional trade mission to Panama from March 19-23.


"This is a perfect time to increase U.S. agricultural and food exports to Central America," noted FAS Administrators Daniel Whitley.


USDA staff and regional experts will provide in-depth market briefings while in the country.  The agency will also arrange targeted business meetings with potential customers from Panama, a bilateral Free Trade Agreement partner, and buyers from countries in the multilateral Central America and Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement.  The region offers strong capabilities in logistics, distribution, processing, cold chain, and more.


Strong opportunities exist for exporters across many industries, including poultry, pork, dairy, beer and wine, snack foods and health foods. This will be the first USDA Agribusiness Trade Mission in 2023. The deadline to apply for the CAFTA-DR trade mission is Friday, December 30. Complete information is available on the FAS Website. 



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