
Chinese Government Tells Farmers to Replant or Switch Crops
Chinese Government Tells Farmers to Replant or Switch Crops
Chinese Government Tells Farmers to Replant or Switch Crops
China’s record heatwave is beginning to disappear, and farmers are assessing the damage caused by the lengthy dry spell.  Reuters said the Chinese government is urging its producers to replant or switch crops where they can.  Over 70 days of extreme temperatures and low rainfall have hit the country’s crops hard.  Rain is forecast ov...
UI: New Spectrometer A Big Benefit For Wheat Industry
UI: New Spectrometer A Big Benefit For Wheat Industry
UI: New Spectrometer A Big Benefit For Wheat Industry
The staff at the University of Idaho’s Wheat Quality Lab said when analyzing flour samples produced from experimental cereal cultivars, they will generate more consistent test results in less time.  In November the University of Idaho and the state Wheat Commission split the $59,000 cost of a computerized near infrared spectrometer for the lab, based at U of I’s Aberdeen Research and Extension Cen
Jekanowski: Wheat Prices Returning To Pre-Ukraine Invasion Levels
Jekanowski: Wheat Prices Returning To Pre-Ukraine Invasion Levels
Jekanowski: Wheat Prices Returning To Pre-Ukraine Invasion Levels
The adjustment to domestic wheat production was relatively minor in August, but was up, in the latest USDA supply and demand forecast.  What does that mean for the remainder of the balance sheet?   “We’re expecting to see some more export business," noted World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski.  "We raised our expo...
U.S. Ag Exports Expected To Pass Forecast
U.S. Ag Exports Expected To Pass Forecast
U.S. Ag Exports Expected To Pass Forecast
The USDA's current Ag export forecast for the current fiscal year, which comes to an end September 30th, calls for a record $191 billion of ag sales overseas. "Would be, if realized, an 11% over 202." So, are American producers going to hit that $191 billion mark...
Global Food Prices Drop in July
Global Food Prices Drop in July
Global Food Prices Drop in July
Global food prices fell by the biggest amount since 2008 due to easing concerns over the supplies of grains and vegetable oils as Ukraine restarted its exports.  The United Nations world food cost index dropped almost 9% in July.  According to Bloomberg, the index is at its lowest level since January before Russia’s attack on Ukraine helped push the cost of food close to record levels.  It’s the f
Willis Encourages Young, Old To Get Involved
Willis Encourages Young, Old To Get Involved
Willis Encourages Young, Old To Get Involved
The U.S. Grains Council held its 62nd annual Board of Delegates Meeting in California during the final week of July.  During the three-day event, Minnesota grain farmer Chad Willis wrapped up his term as Chairman. “Just being able to lead the organization, I guess. The deleg...
U.S. Wheat Associates Promote Miller to Director of Programs
U.S. Wheat Associates Promote Miller to Director of Programs
U.S. Wheat Associates Promote Miller to Director of Programs
U.S. Wheat Associates promoted Catherine Miller to Director of Programs.  She joined USW in 2018 as the Programming and Planning Coordinator and shifted to Programs Coordinator in 2021. “Catherine has done a great job in managing many of USW’s domestic programs, and she excelled in helping USW transition to virtual programming when COVID-19 began,” said Erica Oakley, USW Vice President of Programs

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