United States Proceeding with Another Dispute Settlement Panel
United States Proceeding with Another Dispute Settlement Panel
United States Proceeding with Another Dispute Settlement Panel
The United States has requested a second dispute settlement panel within USMCA.  At issue, Canada's dairy tariff rate quotas.   "We bring the case our findings and our documentation to the panel," noted Doug McKalip, chief Ag negotiator at USTR.  "The way these th...
USTR Announces Dispute Settlement Panel Request with Canada
USTR Announces Dispute Settlement Panel Request with Canada
USTR Announces Dispute Settlement Panel Request with Canada
Earlier this week, Trade Representative Katherine Tai announced the second USMCA dispute settlement panel regarding Canada’s dairy tariff-rate quota allocation measures.  The United States is challenging Canada’s revised dairy TRQ allocation measures that use a market-share approach for determining TRQ allocations.  Through these measu...
Woods Canada Needs To Comply With USMCA Obligations
Woods Canada Needs To Comply With USMCA Obligations
Woods Canada Needs To Comply With USMCA Obligations
The Washington state Dairy Federation is one many organizations in the industry rejecting Canada’s handling of tariff rate quotas under USMCA.  American groups have backed the formal challenge set forward by U.S. Trade Representative, saying Canada is undermining market access that it agreed to provide in the agreement.  This is the s...
Kind: Administration Following USMCA, Dairy Issue Closely
Kind: Administration Following USMCA, Dairy Issue Closely
Kind: Administration Following USMCA, Dairy Issue Closely
In May, the U.S. Trade Representative’s office initiated the second USMCA dispute regarding Canadian dairy tariff-rate quota policies.  The TRQs deny allocation access to eligible applicants, including retailers, food service operators, and other types of importers, and impose new conditions on the allocation and use of the TRQs. Wiscon...
Vilsack Addresses Canadas Response To USMCA
Vilsack Addresses Canadas Response To USMCA
Vilsack Addresses Canadas Response To USMCA
The Agriculture Secretary shared his conversation with his Canadian counterpart this weekend regarding dairy tariff rate quota disputes within the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement. "I had a very frank and very specific conversation with her that we were greatly disappointed in the Canadian response ...
Canada Reacts To Recent USMCA Ruling
Canada Reacts To Recent USMCA Ruling
Canada Reacts To Recent USMCA Ruling
Canada has lost the first arbitrated dispute under the USMCA. A three-person trade panel agreed that Canada is, in fact, denying U.S. producers their fair share of access to the Canadian dairy product market. The office of the U.S. Trade Representative requested the dispute panel in May of last year ...
Vilsack Reacts To TRQ’s Ruling
Vilsack Reacts To TRQ’s Ruling
Vilsack Reacts To TRQ’s Ruling
The USMCA dispute settlement panel recently ruled against Canada's application of tariff rate quotas on dairy products. "There were 14 different tariff rate quotas which are agreements by Canada to allow certain volumes of types of dairy products; milk, creams, skim milk powder, butter, etc ...
WTO Panel to Review China’s Compliance on Farm Product Imports
The World Trade Organization this week established a dispute panel requested by China. The panel will determine whether China complied with an earlier WTO ruling regarding the administration of its tariff rate quotas. China submitted its second request for a dispute panel to determine whether it has complied with a 2019 ruling concerning its TRQs for certain agricultural products, including wheat,

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