
Hanson Voted New USMEF Chair
Hanson Voted New USMEF Chair
Hanson Voted New USMEF Chair
Steve Hanson, a rancher from Elsie, NE, was elected chair of the U.S. Meat Export Federation at the organization's Strategic Planning Conference in Tucson, AZ on Friday.  Hanson said a priority for him will be the partnerships with the various checkoffs that support the work of USMEF around the globe.   “...
Organizations Collecting Donations for Ranchers Hit by Wildfires
Organizations Collecting Donations for Ranchers Hit by Wildfires
Organizations Collecting Donations for Ranchers Hit by Wildfires
North Dakota rancher organizations are collecting donations, supplies, and labor to assist ranchers in the northwest part of the state who were devastated by wildfires in October.  An estimated 120,000 acres were burned up by wildfires last month, with high winds of up to 78 miles per hour helping the fires to tear through the region.  Th...
Farm Action Looking For Transparency In Packers & Stockyards
Farm Action Looking For Transparency In Packers & Stockyards
Farm Action Looking For Transparency In Packers & Stockyards
The fifth and final rulemaking to strengthen the Packers and Stockyards Act was recently released by USDA.   “One of the real problems that we have as producers is the lack of transparency in the market. In cattle production, what we see is that as little as 12% or so of cattle are negotiated cash price, and that's what's reported," noted Joe Maxwell, chief strategy officer and co-founder of
Naerebout Encouraged About Future of Idaho Dairy
Naerebout Encouraged About Future of Idaho Dairy
Naerebout Encouraged About Future of Idaho Dairy
Things are looking much better for the Idaho dairy industry.  Rick Naerebout, CEO of the Idaho Dairymen’s Association said this is especially welcomed news, considering producers have been dealing with negative margins for 18-24 months.  He noted that...
Idaho: H5N1 Cases Improving, But More Work Remains
Idaho: H5N1 Cases Improving, But More Work Remains
Idaho: H5N1 Cases Improving, But More Work Remains
Idaho is one of 14 states reporting Highly Pathogenetic Avian Influence in dairy herds, and efforts continue to figure out how the virus is being spread.  Idaho state veterinarian doctor Scott Leibsle said H5N1 cases peaked in May and June.  He poin...
Many Cattle Producers Still Optimistic About Their Futures
Many Cattle Producers Still Optimistic About Their Futures
Many Cattle Producers Still Optimistic About Their Futures
Cattle producers, like other farmers, are generally an optimistic bunch.   A Drover’s beef industry survey shows that 64% of the respondents remain optimistic about the future.  Over half, 51% of the producers plan to grow their herd size in the next five years, and another 38% will maintain their herd sizes.  Parts of the U.S.,...
Upgrades At Knott Dairy Good News For Cows, Students
Upgrades At Knott Dairy Good News For Cows, Students
Upgrades At Knott Dairy Good News For Cows, Students
If you’re a fan of ice cream or Cougar Gold cheese, this is the kind of news you’ve been waiting for.  Ferdinand’s Ice Cream Shoppe is getting a boost thanks to a $10 million upgrade at Washington State University’s Knott Dairy Center.  School officials said with mode...
UI Helps Prepare Next Generation Of Ranchers
UI Helps Prepare Next Generation Of Ranchers
UI Helps Prepare Next Generation Of Ranchers
This summer, the University of Idaho held a workshop with the intent of raising up the next generation of ranchers.  Beef 101 took place on the Moscow campus, and the U of I’s Phil Bass says the three-day workshop covered everything about being a rancher, from beginning to end.   “We ab...

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