Democrats Sound The Alarm About Wildfire Mitigation Funding
Democrats Sound The Alarm About Wildfire Mitigation Funding
Democrats Sound The Alarm About Wildfire Mitigation Funding
On Monday, western Democrats issued a statement over reports the BLM has issued stop work orders connected to projects removing hazardous wildfire fuels.  Oregon’s Jeff Merkley, New Mexico’s Senator Martin Heinrich said their letter, addressed to recently confirmed Interior Secretary Doug Burgum and Acting Agriculture Secretary Gary Washington, “sounds the alarm”.   They said delaying these treatm
BLM Announces Expansion Of Sage-Grouse Conservation
BLM Announces Expansion Of Sage-Grouse Conservation
BLM Announces Expansion Of Sage-Grouse Conservation
Last week, the Bureau of Land Management announced plans to “enhance” greater sage-grouse conservation on public lands in Oregon and Colorado.  The agency said the approved habitat conservation measures will support western communities and benefit more than 350 other wildlife species.  Opponents of the pr...
BLM Announces Plan To Protect Northern Spotted Owl
BLM Announces Plan To Protect Northern Spotted Owl
BLM Announces Plan To Protect Northern Spotted Owl
The Bureau of Land Management has finalized its plan to kill barred owls to save the northern spotted owl.  BLM said northern spotted owl populations are rapidly declining, and its two biggest threats are competition from invasive barred owls, as well as fire and drought-related habitat loss.   Although barred owls...
Klamath Basin Tribes Awarded Funds To Battle Drought
Klamath Basin Tribes Awarded Funds To Battle Drought
Klamath Basin Tribes Awarded Funds To Battle Drought
Earlier this month, the Bureau of Reclamation announced $4.6 million for several tribes in the Klamath Basin to combat drought.  The funds will be split among the Hoopa Valley Tribe, Karuk Tribe, The Klamath Tribes, Modoc Nation, Pulikla Tribe of Yurok People, and Yurok Tribe.  The fun...
BLM Asking For Information About Damaged Central Oregon Fence
BLM Asking For Information About Damaged Central Oregon Fence
BLM Asking For Information About Damaged Central Oregon Fence
BLM is asking for the public's help regarding a fence that was vandalized on public lands in Central Oregon west of Redmond.  The fence served to mark the boundary between public and private land along Kingwood Avenue.   BLM said in September, vandals cut all four strands of the fence for almost a mile.  The fence no...
BLM Announces Rangeland Stewardship and Innovation Award Winners
BLM Announces Rangeland Stewardship and Innovation Award Winners
BLM Announces Rangeland Stewardship and Innovation Award Winners
At the Public Lands Council’s annual meeting, the Bureau of Land Management announced the winners of the 2024 Rangeland Stewardship and Rangeland Innovation awards.  The two organizations have partnered for 19 years to honor BLM livestock grazing permittees and lessees who demonstrate exceptional management, collaboration, and communication that restores, conserves, or enhances public lands.   Th
North Central Oregon Producers Invited To Wildfire Meeting
North Central Oregon Producers Invited To Wildfire Meeting
North Central Oregon Producers Invited To Wildfire Meeting
The Oregon Department of Agriculture is inviting producers impacted by wildfire in Umatilla and Morrow counties to an informational meeting where agencies will answer questions.  Participants will learn about resources available for residents, landowners, livestock and agricultural producers.   ...
ICA Watching Federal, State Issues
ICA Watching Federal, State Issues
ICA Watching Federal, State Issues
The legislative session in all three states wrapped up months ago, and even Congress is on their August recess.  But despite this quite time of year, local Ag groups are keeping a close eye on issues or potential issues from the state of federal level.  Cameron...
BLM Announces Next Steps in Public Lands Rule Implementation
BLM Announces Next Steps in Public Lands Rule Implementation
BLM Announces Next Steps in Public Lands Rule Implementation
Late last week, the Bureau of Land Management announced its intent to develop a Federal Advisory Committee to engage the public and help inform the BLM’s implementation of the Public Lands Rule.  The committee will allow the agency to continue working with and hearing from a range of experts and the public to support successful rule implementation.   “The P...

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