Bureau of Land Management Seeks Input on Solar Energy Program
Earlier this week, the Bureau of Land Management announced a public meeting to solicit feedback on utility-scale solar energy planning. BLM is considering updates to its 2012 Western Solar Plan that included six southwestern states, including Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah. On top of that, the Agency is also seeking comments on expanding its solar planning to include five more states: Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Montana, and Wyoming.
The first meeting, scheduled January 18th in Sacramento, CA. BLM said additional in-person scoping meetings are being planned and will be held in Boise, ID, Spokane, WA, Bend, OR, as well as Phoenix, AZ, Grand Junction, CO, Billings, MT, Albuquerque, NM, Reno, NV, Salt Lake City, UT and Cheyenne, WY.
BLM Director Tracy Stone-Manning said, "The BLM is committed to expanding renewable energy development on public lands."
The public comment period will remain open for 15 days after the last public scoping meeting, or February 6, whichever is later. The Notice of Intent to update the BLM's 2012 solar programmatic environmental impact statement was published in the Federal Register on December 8th.
Visit the BLM's Website to learn more about the meetings.
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