Farmers are always looking for ways to save money or to stretch a dollar.  Chris Lee, owner of Solgen Power in the Tri-Cities, said solar power is a great option.  He said despite preconceived ideas, more and more rural Washingtonians are signing up for solar power.


“We do a ton of rooftop solar mounts both on shops, sheds, homes but we also have ground mount options.  A ground mount is essentially a solar system that has its own structure that we created on the ground and if you’ve got a lot of land it a wonderful opportunity to go with that.”


Lee, during a recent Where Are We Wednesday, noted for those looking to add solar power to their residence, there are several financial incentives.  The state of Washington recently passed a rebate program it will cover 50% of the cost of going solar.  In addition, there is also a 30% federal rebate.  As far as a farming business is concerned, there is an agricultural grant.


“That will pay up to 25% [of the costs of installing solar], along with the 30% federal rebate.  They are also allowed to pull from the state rebate, and there’s depreciation you are able to pull as a business owner, with some bonus depreciation and accelerated depreciation.  All in all, it’s cheaper to go with the solar option than to stay connected to the grid for all of eternity.”


Lee says typical installation takes 1-1 ½ days.  To learn more about Solgen Power and to find out if Solar is a good fit for your home or operation, visit the Company's Website, or Facebook Page.


Click Here to watch our #WhereAreWeWednesday segment with Chris Lee.

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