A bill that supporters say would ensure seed purity in Washington is currently sitting in the state House.  Legislation crafted by Senator Judy Warnick, requires seed contracts of $2,500 in value or greater to be verified by the WSDA.  Representative Bruce Chandler said Washington growers became concerned after seeds in Oregon, including Marijuana, were compromised.


“They were getting Roundup treated seed mixed in with non-treated seed and that causes real problems when they try to sell the crop, especially for export.”


Chandler added while the legislation is stalled in the House currently, he believes its good legislation for the Washington Ag Community.  And he anticipates it will '6get to Jay Inslee’s desk and that the Governor will sign it.



If you have a story idea for the Washington Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail gvaagen@cherrycreekradio.com

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