It turned out O.K., but there were a lot of bad risks.


That’s the assessment of the 2018 Washington legislative session from state Senator minority leader Mark Schoesler.


He acknowledged while a Hirst Fix was passed, several other bad pieces of legislation tried to progress, including legislation that would have addressed pesticide applicators, and the Governor’s Carbon Tax.  The Ritzville Republican says he is concerned that a few of the issues that Democrats raised during the 2018 session will reappear in the longer 2019 session.


"The use of crop protection products has to be safe, affordable and practical, and the proposals that we saw certainly aren’t for any Ag commodity.”


Schoesler said it’s important that between now and the start of the 2019 session, the entire ag community promotes the industry.


“I think that the Ag community has to continue it’s public education not just in spirts but continuously talking about safe, affordable food supplies and a record of environmental stewardship.”


Schoesler added both western and now eastern Washington is becoming more and more disconnected with farming.







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