R-Calf Voices Opposition To USDA Ear Tag Mandate
Cattle producers from across the west plan to hold a rally next week to show their opposition to a new government mandate. An electronic ID ear tag on adult cattle shipped over state lines is unnecessary and too costly for cattle producers, that according to rally organizers. This upcoming USDA mandate has motivated cattle producers to urge Congress to overturn the new mandate with legislation that was recently introduced.
“Our position has been from the outset that there are other alternatives for animal identification that enables sufficient disease to trace back capabilities on the part of the government that there, there is no need to impose this most costly burden on U.S. cattle producers,” said R-Calf USA CEO Bill Bullard.
Currently, the electronic ID ear tags for cattle are scheduled to start on November 5th. Bullard believes there are major flaws with the ag department’s mandate.
“It only requires the producer to extend the funds with a higher cost electronic tag, but does not require anyone else in the supply chain to read the tag electronically.”
Bottom line according to Bullard the mandate will not lead to an improvement to cattle tracking. Producers are expected to gather in Rapid City, SD on Monday October 7th for what they’re calling the Livestock Producers Freedom Rally.
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