The Ag Secretary is not happy about the pace in which key USDA leadership positions are progressing through Senate confirmation.


"And it's not good for agriculture and it's not good for the United States of America."


Sonny Perdue said four USDA leadership positions are still vacant and awaiting confirmation:

  • USDA's General Counsel
  • Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
  • Two undersecretaries; one for research, education and economics and the other for food safety.


On that last position, Perdue said,

"Food safety, as you know, is at the core of the USDA mission, because it directly affects the health and well-being of millions of Americans every day."

Back in May, Dr. Mindy Breshears from Texas Tech was nominated for Food Safety Undersecretary, but has not yet been confirmed.


"And I need her on board now to lead the best agency in the world, as far as food safety," Perdue said.


And that agency has not had a permanent under-secretary for about five years.



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