Once the United States reached an updated NAFTA, many thought this would be the first domino to fall.


"Let us move on to our friends in the E-U and Japan,” said Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue.


And the next move was announced earlier this week when U-S Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer officially notified Congress of the President's intent to negotiate three separate trade agreements, with Japan, the European Union and and soon-to-depart the EU member, the United Kingdom.  The notice comes as a part of trade promotion authority, with USTR publishing objectives to negotiations at least one month prior to actual talks.


Groundwork had been laid and announced months prior by President Trump and Administration officials, with first indication of potential U.S/EU negotiations back in late July and an announcement last month that our country and Japan will soon begin negotiations.



If you have a story idea for the Washington Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail gvaagen@cherrycreekradio.com

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