The grazing season is coming to an end across much of the United States.  But for many, the pasture conditions look very good.  USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey took a look at the next-to-last pasture report for the season.


"A lot of areas across the plains and the Midwest and northeast have already had a killing freeze so we are down to our next to last pasture and rangeland condition report for the season from USDA/NASS and that is indicating, overall,  favorable conditions for the Nation's pastures and rangeland."


Much of the pasture land appears to be in good shape.  As of October 21st,  50% of the pastures were rated good to excellent, a figure Rippey does not anticipate will change in the final report of the year, set to be released later this week.

However, the news is not all good.


"At the same time just 20% of the rangeland and pastures Nationwide rated in very poor to poor condition."

Some of the best pasture conditions were reported in Nebraska, Alabama, and Virginia.  The worst; out here in the west in Oregon, California, and Utah.



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