Parrella: Farm Bill Could Benefit PNW
As lawmakers prepare to focus on the 2023 Farm Bill in the coming months, what impact it could have on the farming community across the Pacific Northwest remains to be seen. But Michael Parrella, dean of the University of Idaho's College of Agricultural and Life Sciences said this go around could be good news, especially for the Palouse.
“For the first time ever, we’re actually discussing implications of the Farm Bill that benefit the Pacific Northwest, that benefit multiple states, obviously Washington and Idaho are two prime ones. We’re two Land Grant universities, we’re seven miles apart, I don’t think there are any Land Grant universities in the county that are closer than that. You know, we already collaborate across multiple fronts, and I think that needs to continue and clearly, we’re stronger together than we are apart.”
Parrella noted he’s hopeful the 2023 Farm Bill can promote, and even expand collaborations and joint efforts between the U of I and WSU.
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