Oregon State University has an app for people who are interested in food preservation and canning.


OSU Extension’s Jeanne Brandt said when they designed the app, they had to make some initial decisions on what to include.


“We looked at the USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning and incorporated the most common fruits and vegetables, meats and seafoods that are preserved across the nation so this is practical from coast to coast.”


Brandt said that was the start, but it’s not the end of their work.


“And then immediately we got the requests for pickles, pickled products, and jams and jellies which are where a lot of novice preservers start and there are a lot of options for jams, jellies and pickles and now we’re putting some additional categories for those and then we’re waiting for feedback.”


The app is available for both iOS and Android devices. Just do a search for the Canning Timer and Checklist app.

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