OSP Trying To Find Benton County Poacher
Oregon State Police are asking for your help identifying the person responsible for poaching two buck deer, with a cross bow near Corvallis. Investigators say the animals were shot between October 25th and November 18th, and were found in the area of NW Walnut and NW Witham Hill Drive.
In Oregon, it is unlawful to hunt game mammals with a crossbow.
Anyone with information on this poaching case is asked to call OSP’s (800) 442-2068 or *OSP (*677) from a mobile phone. Reference case number #SP24-383408. OSP is reminding everyone that those with information that want to remain anonymous can do so by reaching out to the TIP reward line. The Turn In Poachers (TIP) program is a collaboration among the Oregon State Police, Oregon Hunters Association, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon Wildlife Coalition, Oregon Outfitter and Guides Association, and the Oregon State Marine Board.
The TIP program offers preference point rewards for information leading to an arrest or issuance of a citation for the unlawful take/possession or waste of big game mammals.
Preference Point Rewards
5 Points: Bighorn Sheep
5 Points: Rocky Mountain Goat
5 Points: Moose
5 Points: Wolf
4 Points: Elk
4 Points: Deer
4 Points: Pronghorn Antelope
4 Points: Bear
4 Points: Cougar
The TIP program also offers cash rewards for information leading to an arrest or issuance of a citation for the unlawful take/possession or waste of the following fish and wildlife species. Cash rewards can also be awarded for habitat destruction, illegally obtaining hunting or angling licenses or tags, lending or borrowing big game tags, spotlighting, or snagging.
Cash Rewards
Oregon Hunters Association (OHA) cash rewards:
$2,000 Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat, or Moose
$1,000 Elk, Deer, or Antelope
$600 Bear, Cougar, or Wolf
$300 Habitat destruction
$200 Illegally obtaining Oregon hunting or angling license or tags|
$200 Unlawful lending/borrowing big game tag(s)
$200 Game Fish & Shellfish
$200 Game Birds or Furbearers
$200 Spotlighting
$200 Snagging/Attempt to Snag
Oregon Wildlife Coalition (OWC) Cash Rewards:
$500 Hawk, Falcon, Eagle, Owl, Osprey
$500 Cougar, Bobcat, Beaver (public lands only), Black bears, Bighorn Sheep, Marten, Fisher, Sierra Nevada Red Fox
$1,000 Species listed as “threatened" or “endangered" under state or federal Endangered Species Act (excludes fish)
Oregon Outfitters & Guides Association (OOGA) Cash Rewards:
$200 Acting as an Outfitter Guide for the Illegal Killing of Wildlife, Illegally Obtaining Oregon Hunting or Angling Licenses or Tags, or Illegally Offering to Act as an Outfitter Guide as defined in ORS 704.010 and 704.020.
How to Report a Wildlife and/or Habitat Law Violation or Suspicious Activity:
TIP Hotline: 1-800-452-7888 or *OSP (*677)
TIP email: TIP@osp.oregon.gov (monitored Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
For more information visit: www.oregon.gov/osp/programs/fw/Pages/tip.aspx
If you have a story idea for the PNW Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail glenn.vaagen@townsquaremedia.com