Oregon Grass Seed Acres Down 2% from 2020
According to NASS, total acreage of Oregon grown Ryegrass and Tall Fescue decreased to 329,000 acres for harvest in 2021, from 336,000 acres harvested in 2020. Growers indicated that 53% of the 2021 ryegrass acres to be harvested are under contract, while 62% of the tall fescue acres are under contract.
Total irrigated acreage of ryegrass are estimated to be 20% of the crop, while total irrigated acreage of tall fescue are estimated to be 29% of this year’s crop. The data series for acres of seed under contract and irrigated acres started in 2019.
The upcoming 2021 crop was reported to be in fair to good condition. Fall rains helped establishment and growth of both ryegrass and fescue fields. Voles and mice were frequently mentioned as being prevalent in some fields.
Estimates are based on data from a survey of growers conducted in January 2021. Acreage totals for 2020 were revised from preliminary intentions based on 2021 survey data for all grass seed types.
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