At the request of the Washington Association of Wheat Growers and the Washington Grain Commission, the Omnibus Bill passed last month includes $1 million for falling numbers research.  Michelle Hennings, Executive Direction of Wheat Growers, says falling numbers has become a major issue for Washington growers, especially in 2016, which cost growers between $30 million and $130 million.


“And that’s when we decided we really need to find out what we can do for farmers, and what needs to be done, so, we had the researchers [Pacific Northwest Researchers] look in to how we can fix this problem and make sure this doesn’t happen to farmers again.”


Hennings noted they could not make this happen on their own.  She said the local wheat industry is very grateful for several federal lawmakers, including Dan Newhouse, Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Patty Murray, for their efforts making sure the funding was available.


“All Washington’s delegation need a big thanks from farmers because they were all in support of this, and realize what it was doing to the farmers.”


Hennings says this $1 million prices tag should be enough to determine a way to overcome falling numbers.





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