A small, invasive beetle is expected to cause big problems in Oregon forests in the months ahead.  The destructive Emerald Ash Borer was found recently in Forest Grove.

“We are bracing for a scenario in which we may lose most of our Ash. It does take time for that to happen, so we have time to act," noted Oregon Department of Forestry Entomologist Christine Buhl.  She said researchers have collected Oregon Ash seeds, since the beetle was first discovered in Michigan in 2002.  EAB destroys trees when larvae burrow under bark and feed on tissue just inside.

“It’s going to be a heavy cost financially, but also ecologically, especially where we have pockets of Ash where it’s almost 100% tree Ash canopy.”

To contain the spread, ODF is urging everyone to not to transport firewood or other wood products that could carry the beetle larvae, and report die-offs of ash trees.


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