NASS: Pear Production Down In 2022
Pear production nationwide is expected to be down this year.
“Expecting production to be down by 1.6% below what was produced last season," commented Lance Honig with NASS. "In fact, if realized, that would represent the second lowest production since 2007.”
When it comes to the three western states that produce the most pears, Washington, Oregon and California:
“Washington is our leading producing state for pears, and again, they’re look at reasonably low production compared to what they’ve seen in recent seasons. Some of those dry conditions we’ve seen across much of the west have impacted the pear crop.”
Honig pointed out despite the lower production, Washington crop yields are expected to be minimally impacted by the growing conditions, which included cold, wet weather in April and May. Oregon’s crop he noted is expected to fare well despite the cold, rainy spring. California’s crop is expected to be of high quality thanks to great growing conditions throughout much of the year.
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