The Trump Administration continues to promote the importance of trade for the overall health of the U.S. economy, specifically, the agriculture industry.  Much of the attention right now, is on an updated NAFTA.  Ambassador Gregg Doud, Chief Agriculture Negotiator, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative pointed out that when NAFTA was first agreed upon, the Internet did not exist.  He said that makes it even more important that the updated three-nation agreement is the right fit for American agriculture.


"Our exports are somewhere in the neighborhood of $138-$140 billion a year in U.S. ag exports.  NAFTA accounts for roughly $38 billion of that, and in whatever commodity you want to discuss Canada and Mexico are two of the top four markets."


Doud said much of the focus these days is on NAFTA and trade agreements with Japan and SE Asia.  But he added the USTR continues to search for new and different markets for future opportunities.


"One of the interesting areas of conversation that we're having is in regard to Africa, and it will be interesting to see where we end up, but defiantly some countries in Africa that we're taking a look at and on down the road here, next year, obviously there will be a very, very interesting conversation with the U.K."


Doud made his remarks during Tuesday's Farm Foundation Forum in D.C.​



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