Idaho Fish and Game recently announced with the detection of chronic wasting disease in Unit 1, a new CWD management zone has been established.  This new zone is defined as that portion of Boundary County east of the Selkirk Mountains divide.  Fish and Game says Unit 1 now joins the ranks of units 14 and 18 as CWD management zones in Idaho.  For all CWD management zones, Carson Watkins, Panhandle Regional Supervisor says there are specific rules that apply.


“First, CWD testing is required for all hunter harvested, white tailed, and mule deer from within a CWD management. Second, it is unlawful to transport any carcass of a deer, elk or moose harvested or salvage out of a defined CWD management zone.”


For the details about carcass transport, Watkins encourages hunters to visit the Department’s CWD web page or to call staff at a regional office.


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“We recognize this news comes with a lot of challenges for hunters, but our top priority is to maintain healthy big game herds by minimizing the spread of CWD to other parts of our state.  This is where CWD management zones play a very crucial role.  Our staff and the Panhandle are prepared to make compliance with these new rules as straightforward as we possibly can for hunters.” 


To learn more about the new rules and requirements, check out the IDFG’s Website.


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