Hop Acreage Down 2% From 2021
According to NASS, hop acreage strung for harvest in 2022 is forecast at 59,896 acres nationwide, off 2% from last year’s record of 60,872 acres.
In Washington, to top hop producing state in the country, 42,428 acres were strung for harvest, down 3% year over year. In Idaho, 9,440 acres were strung for harvest this year, also down 3% from 2021 numbers. Oregon hop growers strung 8,028 acres for harvest this season, up 9% from last year.
The top five hop varieties strung for harvest in the United States this year were Citra R , Mosaic R , Cascade, Simcoe R , and Columbus/Tomahawk R /Zeus (CTZ). These five varieties account for 54% of the total U.S. acreage.
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