Helena’s Extractor Helps Growers Focus On Plant Health In 2023
Regardless of commodity, more and more emphasis is being place on managing soil health and plant health across the Pacific Northwest, and across the county. To help growers, Helena has Extractor, an advanced plant tissue analysis offering. Stephen Leininger AGRIIntelligence Information Specialist with Helena, said when it comes to plant health, they’ve identified six primary nutrients that every crop needs, nationwide: nitrogen, potassium, sulfur, zinc, boron and magnesium.
“And so the importance of that, it's one thing to identify now we you know we have a problem and Leibigs Law the Minimum would suggest that now you've identified the limiting factor, now that you know that we need to get with your local Helena representative and find that product that you can put out there to address that limiting factor. That's the low hanging fruit and if we address that we're going to increase our yield potential.”
Ben Wilson, agronomist with Helena, said their strategy is a simple one: Position farmers to go into 2023 with a solid plan, and that means turning a common phrase in the farming community into obtainable action steps.
“The data set is growing right the big data is continuing to expand. Well, it's not useful unless we take it to an individual farm level and make a good decision, because information overload is just that we'll throw it away. Work with your local Helena representative to understand OK we have access to resources throughout the nation we have a phenomenal AGRIIntelligence platform that we've created and invested heavily in over the years. Let’s extrapolate some of that data, analyze it and utilize it in ‘23 to make the best budget for your farm.”
Click Here to learn more about Extractor.
Click Here to learn more about other tools Helena offers.
If you have a story idea for the PNW Ag Network, call (509) 547-9791, or e-mail glenn.vaagen@townsquaremedia.com