Another side effect of the 35 day government shutdown a delay in the USDA's effort to find new headquarters for the Economic Research Service, or ERS, and the National Institute for Food and Agriculture.  Last week, Ag Secretary Sonny acknowledged that because of the shutdown, his agency was unable to work on the search.  Perdue added that consultants continue to look at the over 130 applicants to host the new HQ for both ERS and NIFA.


He hopes to narrow that list soon.  While he prepares to consult Congress soon on the proposed move and related cost associated with it.


"We'll talk to our board of directors over there on the hill and share with them our plan,” Perdue said.  “We owe them really a very serious cost benefit analysis many of them have had concerns about what prompted that.  I look forward to sharing with them exactly what we hope to achieve."


The Tri-Cities is one of the 130 applicants looking to become a home for the USDA programs.​



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