Pork producers are helping out their communities during the ‘Hams Across America’ campaign with donations to help the less fortunate.


Pork Checkoff PR Director Claire Masker said this is typical of pig producers.


“Some of it was just through producers putting hands at their neighbor’s doors and then some of it was giving back to food pantries, their local fire departments and police departments. It was just great to be able to showcase what we already knew producers were doing. To be able to showcase that through social media.”


Masker said these kinds of campaigns have always been a part of the agriculture community, and that farmers usually don’t like to brag about themselves.


“But in today’s age where more and more people are removed from the farm, sometimes we have to tell those stories and share that with the community so we can continue to build consumer trust and goodwill for all the things that pork producers do across the country.”


For more information on the program, visit Pork.org.

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