It’s a long drive from southeast Washington to Oklahoma, but local FFA officials are not going to let 1,500 miles prevent from helping fellow ranchers.  FFA students in Touchet are selling t-shirts with funds going to help ranchers impacted by devastating wildfires this year.  Touchet FFA Advisor Ryan Maiden says they got the T-shirt fund raiser idea from FFA alumns Carrie Hennigar and Nicole Frazier.


“We jumped on board.  We thought it was a great idea. We wanted to get behind it, and the Washington FFA Foundation was defiantly behind us so their blessing and Nicole and Carrie designed the shirt.  It’s live until the end of May, and all proceeds are going to go help fire victims back there in Oklahoma.”


Maiden said everyone was more than willing to help.


“We’re a small town community here in Touchet, and everybody is behind it, the kids are on board, parents are on board and thought it was a great idea.  I got all kinds of participation from my kids,  we’re talking about doing a couple of other things down the road, to help the people out."


Over 300,000 acres of grange land burned earlier this year across Oklahoma and neighboring states.  Click Here if you’d like to check out the t-shirt, or order one.


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