Fewer Hazelnut Packers Not A Concern
There are fewer hazelnut packers in Oregon this season, but it’s not a concern for industry experts. Statewide the number of packers dropped from six last year to only four this year. This comes as growers look at the potential of delivering a record crop. Pacific Nut Producer Magazine talked with hazelnut packer Michael Severeid of Willamette Hazelnut.
“In terms of the industry's ability to absorb all the washing and drying capacity that was there before is still here with us now," Severeid said. "Never want to see people exit the industry, but the timing worked out very well for us in terms of we're already in motion getting ready for it and we have the customer to buy the product.”
Severride added the future looks even brighter for the industry.
“I see a trajectory where the U.S. industry could add more acres and would have no trouble selling the volumes that came off of that,” he noted.
You can read more about hazelnuts in Pacific Nut Producer Magazine.
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