Falling Numbers has been an issue for Northwest wheat growers over the past couple of years.


How big of a problem will Falling Numbers be this harvest?


Washington State University’s Dr. Camille Steber said 2018 is a good news/bad news year.


“The bad news is that some farmers are having problems with low falling numbers, the good news is that the numbers are not as low as we’ve seen in previous years, and I think there are enough areas that have falling numbers over 300 that it may not be a big problem for supply.”


Dr. Steber believes farmers and everyone else involved in the production of wheat will do a better job controlling the problem this year.


“And also, I think those doing the marketing have learned from the big problem of 2016.  I think they’re doing more Falling Numbers testing earlier, and they are trying to keep their affected wheat from their wheat with higher falling numbers. “




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